Liveryman Mustang Clippers A2 Blades for med to heavy use I believe, serviced twice in last year, all hair removed from inside and fully taken apart by people in the know! Only used to clip a max of six horses in a season but they are a few years old! Blades sharpened regularly and kept oiled when not being used.. Why do the clippers get hot so quickly when they have been cleaned and the fan is working perfectly and clear and the engine sounds fine? Sometimes when I first turn them on with sharp blades on they refuse to cut and chew the hair instead so I have to keep tightening the screw on the blades to make them cut, sometimes this works but other times I have to loosen it almost right back again before they will work???
Can anyone suggest what might be wrong? These are not heavily used and have been serviced and looked after!The expert who serviced them told me the engine and fan were fine just needed cleaning out which he did!?
Can't afford a new set so need to know whats wrong?
Why are my liveryman mustang clippers refusing to cut sometimes and heating up quickly?
keep oiled when you switch on and keep oiled every 15mins during use,should ease problem.
Why are my liveryman mustang clippers refusing to cut sometimes and heating up quickly?
Did your expert or the manufacturers instructions also tell you that you need to keep the blades oiled while they are in use? You have two metal surfaces rubbing together, and just like pistons in a car engine, the blades need to be kept oiled with a few drops of machine oil just after you turn them on. You will notice a change in the sound (usually quieter). See what type of oil they recommend, but a machine oil similar to 3-in-1 or Wahl's clipper oil (available at Walmart - but call first to check) should do the trick. Good luck.
Why are my liveryman mustang clippers refusing to cut sometimes and heating up quickly?
Try to remove as much mud/dust etc from the horses coat before you clip. Dust and oil make a great grinding paste that takes the edge off cutting blades. Don't overtighten the blades. They need to be just tight enough to cut - any tighter and they just get hot.
I had a set of liveryman mustang clippers for several years. They always worked perfectley even though I used them to clip my very very hairy cob who was never the cleanest horse even after a thorough grooming. Keep your blades clean and well oiled even when not being used regularly and you should not have any problems.
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