Monday, July 27, 2009

Can u cut a golden retr. hair with human hair clippers?

I can't stop you, but I really don't recommend it. If you've never been shown how to use clippers on a dog then you'll most likely end up with a really choppy and ugly cut. Beyond that, I really don't understand why people shave goldens if there isn't a medical problem that would require it. The fur may grow back normally the first time, or even the first few times, but eventually the fur won't grow back in normally and you'll be left with an unpleasant feeling (and looking) coat. Plus, the hair is protective...undercoats not only keep dogs warm in the winter, they actually help to keep dogs cool in the summer. So shaving them so that they will be "cooler" during hot weather can actually be counter productive. And finally, shaving a dog will not change the amount of fur that they shed. it will only make the fur shorter and I personally find that worse than lots of medium-long hair laying around the house. Not only do short hairs dig into fabrics more(and are therefor harder to remove), but cut hairs are sharp and prickly compared to natural hairs.

Can u cut a golden retr. hair with human hair clippers?

Yes, but it will look choppy. Your best bet is to have your dog professionally groomed. I know how you feel, though... it's expensive sometimes. Shop around and see if there's any place that has a good deal. Petsmart is expensive. They wanted $60 to groom my dog, but Petco only wanted $30.

Can u cut a golden retr. hair with human hair clippers?

The clippers will die before you finish the job.

Can u cut a golden retr. hair with human hair clippers?



Can u cut a golden retr. hair with human hair clippers?

Please take your golden to the groomers. I had a friend who took her clippers to her golden, it looked just horrible. She ended up taking her to the groomer and she had to have the poor dog almost shaved. It took months for her beautiful fur to grow back in.

Can u cut a golden retr. hair with human hair clippers?

yes you can - but don't ----- you could have a mess. go to a groomer!!!!!

Can u cut a golden retr. hair with human hair clippers?

Why do you want to cut the fur?????? Dogs have the coat they do for a reason.. It protects them from the elements..

Can u cut a golden retr. hair with human hair clippers?

sure, but it might make your clippers dull. they have special clippers and blades made for dogs hair

Can u cut a golden retr. hair with human hair clippers?

You can but it dulls the blade out quick. I tryed to do mine last year and went through 3 sets of clippers and still didnt finish. Also I wouldnt suggest it becasue the hair never grows back in right. It gave my dog callicks all over and hair became hard and gruff not soft and cuddly anymore. I would use a good rake brush the undercoat kind if you are wanting to help with the cooling process for your dog. I would keep brushing it with an undercoat brush and get all the dead hair off. That will help.

You can though use human clippers just be prepared for a long long day and many frustrations. Good Luck

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