I have long haired dogs what style clippers and blade guards should I buy .I have been useing human hair cutting clippers but they do not work well on thick dog hair,also what clipper guareds should i need?
What clippers should I buy?
I wish I knew what breed you are grooming, it makes a difference. Heavily coated dogs such as cockers, border collies, great pyrenees all have extremely thick coats and the cheapie clippers for about $30 won't touch it. You will need a set with a heavier motor, professional clippers. I like the Andis because then run quietly. However I just bought a new Arco set called the switchblade that is a lighter weight and ergonomic to the touch. Then, depending on the length of hair will depend what size blades you will use. Remember older dogs have more sensitive skin, as do lighter colored dogs with light pigments. You cannot clip as close or will risk injury. I also use the Arco SE battery clippers to do poodles feet. They are small, no cord, quiet, and cool. You would do best talking to a groomer in your area at length as what they would suggest you purchase. I prefer to purchase from Petedge.com or Ryans.com. Both carry a complete line of grooming needs. Best wishes.
What clippers should I buy?
I prefer oster brand A-5 and oster blades and miller forge gaurds .
What clippers should I buy?
I just take my dog to the groomers
What clippers should I buy?
What breed are you grooming? I use an Andis with different blades to groom my Shih Tzu.
What clippers should I buy?
If you want good results, you need a professional clipper with removable blades. Those snap-on comb types are pretty useless for dogs. I prefer the Oster A-5.
What clippers should I buy?
What you should get is if you go to any petstore or a walmart or some store like that they sell clippers there for dogs for aroud $30 and up they work pretty good and thet come with a blade and attachments and it comes with a book and tells you which one is good for the style you watn since ou have long hair dogs i would reccomend you doing 3/4" which is pretty standard forlong hair dogs and follow the grain of the hair not againt unless you want your dog to go bald.
What clippers should I buy?
Oster is good, so is Andis, Laube, and Wahl. It's best if you can find a blade to use and not use the guards, as the guards are harder to get through the hair, and they also don't cut as even. The blades on the clippers all work the same- the higher the number, the closer the blade cuts. The shaved face/feet on a poodle is done with a #30, usually. They make a #7f and a #4 that you might try, if you're wanting to cut the hair fairly short. (Not skin close by ANY means.
Good luck- Oh, and also get some clipper cool spray- Andis makes it, and you can get it at Petco/Petsmart- spray the blades as they start getting hot- it helps lube the blades and keeps them clean and cool as well. Also, I recommend getting 2 of whatever blade you use, if for no other reason than if you break one in the middle of trimming your dog- you don't have a dog 1/2 groomed!
What clippers should I buy?
As a professional groomer, I have always relied on Andis clippers. I have NEVER needed another pair of clippers and I have been using my clippers for 3 years, 20-40 hours a week. I use Laub clipper combs and I have the full set from the #5 all the way up to #S. I prefer the laub because they are sturdy but inexpensive and easy to replace if need be. I bought my originals at a grooming expo, but you can buy these through Pet Edge or Dog's Outfitter online. These of course are the least expensive websites, but you can also check out Cherry Brook. Just remember that with the Laub clipper combs, you can not use any spray disinfectant, so the best way to clean these is to use a mild dish detergent and some warm water. I use the case that I got for mine as a wash station, filling it up with warm soapy water and let them soak for an hour. I then oil the metal attachments so that they do not rust. The Laub clipper combs come with a size chart and that size chart lets you know the length of hair that is LEFT BEHIND after the clip.
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