Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Can cutting hair let thick hair replace it?

I am a male and have good hair but after letting my hair grow out for a couple of months i used some hair spray thing and notcied my hair has gotten thinner... Will cutting my hair/ w clippers @ barbers let my hair regrow as thick as it normally was b4 the hairspray?

Is there any advice to thicken hair

or not make it look as bad?

BtW im a teen/ no surgery for me?

What hair sprays would u recomend for hair spiking and stuff if any at all?

Tanx ;] As always best answer=10 points

Can cutting hair let thick hair replace it?

I'm not an expert at this but i had a similar problem and getting it cut does help thicken it up. Honestly hair looks better when there is no hairspray on it. Yes, it does make it look better but it also makes it look hard and it doesn't look soft. I would say get it cut but don't use hairspray. =D

Can cutting hair let thick hair replace it?

Cutting your hair does not make it grow back thicker.

Can cutting hair let thick hair replace it?

use volume shampoo and when u get out of the shower use a quater size of volume gel and rub it in ur hair evenly that will make fuller.

Can cutting hair let thick hair replace it?

as long al you look ok bald and not like some freak then i say cut your hair and give it a try. if that doesnt work then youve probabbly got male pattern baldness and youll need some pricier help best of luck

Can cutting hair let thick hair replace it?


I'm not sure about any hair sprays but while your washing your hair,gently massage your scalp and that will get the blood flowing under under your scalp and eventually you will get shinier,thicker hair...I do it sometimes and it helps if you keep doing it.

Can cutting hair let thick hair replace it?

is your dad bold by any chance?

Can cutting hair let thick hair replace it?

I feel for you, I was in the same boat back in the 70's when hair was IT, I had fine curly hair that would almost turn into a 'fro when I let it grow out which was the norm. I allowed it to control my self esteem for years trying sprays and gels and every camouflage thickener I could find. Relief finally came when I had given up all hope and was on a plane coming back from Vegas seated next to a completely bald man and I asked him how he lost it. He told me that he preferred not having to fool with it and started cutting it off at a young age with a #2 cut at a stylist first then a #1, finally he shaved it. It set me free, alternate between a 2 and a 1 as my mood fits and my hair loss is no longer an issue. I don't have to worry about styling or drying it anymore lol.

Hope that helps

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